A little about me…

I have a degree in Design (NCAD), Masters in New Media Design (University of Ulster) and Teaching and Learning (SETU) and a Hdip in Digital Design (SETU). I have taken many business and marketing courses and I’m currently doing a certificate in organic horticulture.

The Home Life…My parents are the best and lucky for me they are my next door neighbours. I am the lucky mother to an amazing daughter…Norah…she’s totally fabulous!! We have 2 dogs 🐾: Margo and Ruby. The family are major…we are tight!! I garden (in no way like Monty Don but in an alternative world I would love to) and I love to plant trees & if I had a wish it would be that we lived in a cleaner, greener planet. 🌍

Úna O'Connor: Photography

Úna O'Connor: Photography